For the User our payment method then please follow bellow steps.
Step 1:- first of all download plugin.
Step 2:- goto wp-content > plugins and add plugin in directory.
Step 3:- then goto admin side( and follow this step
click plugins menu > then find «ACH Processing» plugin and then active plugin.
Step 4:- Goto WooCommerce menu and click on setting menu.
Step 5:- click payment tab and find and Enable «ACH Processing» payment method.
Step 6:- then click on manage button.
Step 7:- Then Select you payment mode test mode or live.
Step 8:- Then add your API Key, User Name and password.
Step 9:- Last and final step save changes.
Congratulations Your now able to accept payments through ACH Processing Company.
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1.0.0 – 06/10/2021
- Initial Release
1.1.1 – 07/26/2022
- Added CC Handling for future roll out
- Adjusted status check to pull correct information.
1.1.3 – 08/02/2022
- updated URL in Processing