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The WIP (Work in Progress) Progress Bar is the plugin I wanted as an author for my website. The WIP-Progress Bar creates beautiful progress bars (AKA progress meters) via Widgets or by generating a shortcode. An excellent and fun way to engage with your fans.
The plugin tracks word or page count goals, current word or page count, and calculates the progress by showing the completion percentage and displaying that with a very cool progress bar with multiple colors, animation and other choices to choose from.
The plugin also allows the writer to display a hyperlink, their book cover from the media library, and custom text along with the progress bar.
Example of the Progress Bar.
Data that can be entered in widgets to setup progress bar.
More data to setup progress bar.
From “add new plugin” Upload the Progress Bar Plugin zipped file to install it.
Activate the plugin using the ‘Plugins’ menu in your WordPress admin dashboard.
You can setup the progress bar from the “Appearances” “Widgets” menu.
You can generate a shortcake to insert a progress bar into a Post or Page by clicking on the “Progress Bar” setting in the menu.
I’m rather sad, but it doesn’t seem to work despite it having been last updated 2 months ago as of this review. When you use the shortcode it won’t let you update the page, and my site totally crashed on the front end (but not the back end) while it was on.It would have also been nicer if (in addition to working… ) it had more options than words and pages since I also go by chapters when editing and percentage when outlining, for instance.Going to the author’s website also turned out a warning message about hackers.
It’s a shame, I was really looking forward to using it.
Took me less than five minutes from download to putting a fully functional progress bar on my site. This is a well-designed, easy to use plugin. Looks nice, and progress bar fill animation when the page loads is a nice visual touch. Would like to be able to display progress without word count, but that’s just a nitpicky feature request and not a knock against the quality of this excellent plugin.
Customizable enough to match your site and look unique, but not so many options as to be overwhelming. Super easy to use, and it’s simple enough to change the parameters on the spot in the shortcode if you know how, but will generate new shortcode for you every time if you need it to. LOVE the ability to link to a sales page if the work is finished or on preorder. Great plugin, Alan. Great work!
The best plugins offer just enough to be simple to use/configure, and simple for the onlooker to understand. This one ticks all these boxes.
Good work!
Alan is an indie author and has an unique understanding of what we as authors are looking for to better promote our work. This plugin is more aesthetically please to similar plugins and have a few added benefits.
One thing that really stands out is how I can add a link to a WIP directing people to the series page on Amazon of books already available in said series.