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bbPress2 BBCode


This plugin adds support for bbcode markup to wordpress, bbpress and buddypress.
It integrates with the ‘bbPress shortcode whitelist’ plugin to provide a safe
way of enabling BBCode without giving your users access to all shortcodes.

Bold: [b]bold[/b]
Italics: [i]italics[/i]
Underline: [u]underline[/u]
URL: [url][/url] [url=]WordPress[/url]
Image: [img][/img] [img=Code is Poetry][/img]
Quote: [quote]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit,[/quote] [quote=NAME]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote] [quote="NAME"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote] [quote author=NAME]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote] [quote author="NAME"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/quote]
Color: [color="red"]named red[/color] [color="ff0000"]hex red[/color] [color=#ff0000]hex red again[/color]
Strikeout:[s]striked this out[/s]
Center Text:[center]center me[/center]
Computer code:
function HelloWorld($greet = 'World') { return 'Hello '.$greet } 

Font size: [size=10]10px font size[/size]
Ordered lists: [ol][li][/li][/ol]
Unordered lists: [ul][li][/li][/ul]
List Item: [li]item[/li]
Named Spoiler: [spoiler=two plus two]four[/spoiler]
Unnamed Spoiler: [spoiler]Boo![/spoiler]
Contents appear to logged in users only: [user]This is a secret message[/user]
Contents appear to non-logged in users only: [guest]Log in to see secret message...[/guest]

I have enhanced support for the [url] and [quote] tags, and added potentially
useful css style class names in the html output of the tags, to allow for
exciting theming potential.

For example:


will render as:

<div class="bbcode-quote bbcode-quote-NAME"><strong>NAME</strong><blockquote>QUOTE</blockquote></div>

Or if NAME matches the login name of a user on the system, it will render as:

<div class="bbcode-quote bbcode-quote-user bbcode-quote-NAME"><strong>DISPLAY_NAME</strong><blockquote>QUOTE</blockquote></div>

Where DISPLAY_NAME is the display name that user. With BuddyPress installed the name
also becomes a link to their profile page, otherwise if bbPress is installed, it becomes a
link to their forum user page.


  • Post and replies with bbcode formatting.
  • What the posts look like with the plugin disabled.


  1. Upload the bbpress-bbcode folder and its contents to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


One of your tags doesn’t work the way I need it to can you fix it?

I can try. I want the plugin to be flexible in the bbcode formats it
accepts. In the case of conflicts I plan to add options in the administration
dashboard so each wordpress user can control how it behaves for them.

Can you add support for a popular bbcode that appears to be missing?

I can’t promise anything in this regard. It looks to me like all the common
tags are already supported. But if someone points out one that isn’t already
supported by another plugin somewhere, I’ll look at adding it.

Do you have a current road map for further development of this plugin?

* Detect if bbPress Toolbar is installed, and if so provide administration options for
replacing some/all of the buttons behaviour to bbcode instead of html.


18. juli, 2023
Its a pitty but the plugin is neither maintained nor working anymore. Thank you for the service all these years. The one star is only for the people who dont read the reviews otherwise it was a 5.
24. april, 2023
Got a fatal error when trying to install Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function create_function() in /home/*/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress-bbcode/bbpress2-bbcode.php:43 Stack trace: #0 /home/*/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php(2314): include_once() #1 /home/*/public_html/wp-admin/plugins.php(192): plugin_sandbox_scrape() #2 {main} thrown in /home/*/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress-bbcode/bbpress2-bbcode.php on line 43
Les alle 6 vurderinger

Bidragsytere og utviklere

“bbPress2 BBCode” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.




  • Tested and works with 4.5.2
  • No new features


  • Replaced support for «Viper’s Video Quicktags» with support for the more
    simple «Video Audio BBCode» plugin. The former was causing conflicts with
    the shortcode whitelist.
  • All audio and video bbcodes moved to ‘Video Audio BBCode’ plugin.


  • Added support for buddypress private messages


  • Fixed bug that stopped the bbcode working in the BuddyPress activity stream.


  • Added support for [freesound] tag.
  • Added support for [user] tag to display content only to logged in users.
  • Added support for [guest] tag to display content only to non-logged in users.


  • Added support for buddypress activity updates
  • Added support for buddypress group forums


  • Added support for [video] tag in a way that enhances Viper’s support. New tag auto
    detects if it contains a youtube or googlevideo url and tries to render as if it
    was a tag or [gvideo] tag if so. If Viper’s is installed, it supports auto
    detecting all of the video quicktags that support urls before resorting to Viper’s
    normal behaviour. Did this to support old posts imported from a Phorum forum that
    supported a generic [video] tag for youtube, googlevideo etc.


  • I can’t actually remember what this version changed now, I forgot to add this note
    at the time! o.O Possibly this is the version where I allowed as an
    alias for [gvideo]


  • Detects if Viper’s Video Quicktags is installed, and if not supports and [gvideo] tags natively.
  • Improved code structure.


  • Added support for bbpress-shortcode-whitelist plugin


  • Fixed quote tags to work with multiple variations
  • If quote name matches a registered user’s login name:
    • It replaces their user login name with their display name
    • Creates link to their profile page if buddypress is installed
    • else creates link to their bbpress forum page if bbpress is installed
  • Added css style classes to much of the output html to allow much fun custom styling…
  • Restored support for [gvideo] tag as no conflict with VVQ exists, since the latter uses a tag instead.


  • Initial version. Fork from b0ingball bbcode.
  • Adds support for bbcode to bbpress
  • Fixes behaviour of [quote] and [url] tags
  • Temporarilly disables and [gvideo] tags to avoid conflict with Vipers Video Quicktags.