Denne utvidelsen vil utføre et antall kontroller av din WordPress-installasjon for å oppdage vanlige konfigurasjonsfeil og kjente probemer, og også tillate utvidelser og temaer og legge til sine egne kontroller.
Feilsøkingsfanen, som viser vesentlig informasjon om din WordPress og server-konfigurasjon, og som man enkelt kan dele med hjelpetjenester for temaer, utvidelser eller på de offisielle support-forumene.
Troubleshooting allows you to have a clean WordPress session, where all plugins are disabled, and a default theme is used, but only for your user until you disable it or log out.
The Tools section allows you to check that WordPress files have not been tampered with, that emails can be sent, and if your plugins are compatible with any PHP version updates in the future.
For en dypere gjennomgang om effektiv bruk av utvidelsen, les gjerne support gruppens håndbok side om utvidelsen.
Feedback is welcome both through the forums, the GitHub project page, or on Slack in either #forums or #core-site-health.
Jeg kommer ikke inn på nettstedet etter å ha aktivert feilsøking
Dersom du mot formidning står fast i feilsøkingsmodus, uten tilgang på nettsiden kan man komme seg ut av denen statusen ved å slette sidens informasjonskapsler (cookies).
Dersom du ikke er kjent med hvordan dette virker er det også mulig å lukke alle nettleser vinduer, eventuelt start datamaskinen på nytt, da dette også vil automatisk ta bort statusen som bestemmer om man er i feilsøkingsmodus.
The PHP compatibility says this plugin only work with PHP version X?
The plugin is made to be a support tool for as many users as possible, this means it needs code that is written for older sites as well.
Tools that check for PHP compatibility do not know how to separate this code from the real code, so it will give a false positive response.
Så langt er utvidelsen testet med alle versjoner av PHP fra 5.2 til 7.3, og virker med alle disse.
Where can I report security bugs?
The Site Health team and WordPress community take security bugs seriously. We appreciate your efforts to responsibly disclose your findings, and will make every effort to acknowledge your contributions.
To report a security issue, please visit the WordPress HackerOne program.
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Bla gjennom koden, sjekk ut SVN-repositoriet, eller abonner på utviklingsloggen med RSS.
1.7.1 (2024-07-25)
- Security: Prevent a potential information disclosure from the screenshot beta feature, reported independently by Jarko Piironen.
- Security hardening: Make each screenshot delete nonce unique to that image.
- Security hardening: Add a capability check alongside the nonce validation when toggling beta features on or off.
- General: Updated the
Tested up to
tag. - General: Added notice about future changes to the Troubleshooting and Tools sections.
- Added Twenty Twenty Four as a known and valid default theme.
- Tools: Fixed a PHP warning when checking for PHP version compatibility and no data was found.
- Tools: Fixed a PHP warning when
is disabled, or nothing has been written to the logfile yet. - Tools: Improved the description for the
file viewer.
1.7.0 (2023-08-06)
- General: Improved styling inconsistency between the plugin and WordPress core.
- General: Fixed an issue with plugin translations where language strings would get mixed when using third party language plugins, or a separate profile language.
- Troubleshooting Mode: Fixed the URL used when disabling elements and having a subdirectory installation.
- Troubleshooting Mode: Fixed a deprecation warning when disabling troubleshooting mode on PHP version 8.3 or higher.
- Troubleshooting Mode: Added reference on how to troubleshoot as different users when testing scenarios.
- Tools: Fixed integration with WPTide for the PHP Compatibility checker.
- Tools: Added a viewer that will display debug log output when enabled.
- Tools: Added a warning to the File Integrity tester if unexpected files are mixed in with WordPress core files.
- Tools: Added a warning if sending emails is taking longer than expected.
- Tools: Added beta feature toggle for those who wish to test new functionality that may not be fully ready yet.
- CLI: Fixed the CLI commands, you can now
wp health-check status
to your hearts content! - Beta feature: Added a new beta feature, making it easier for non-technical users to grab screenshots of issues on their site, and share them.