This is a WordPressified version of the excellent, lightweight (for real!) imageLightbox.js (MIT-licensed) by Osvaldas Valutis (
This is his introduction to the lightbox:
«As for the image lightboxes, I have always lacked simplicity for them. I mean not only the visual design, but the overall experience: from implementation to UX. All due respect, but I have never liked any of these light-fancy-face-boxes. They all were solving problems that just don’t exist: lots of unwanted features by default, total mess in markup, no native behavior for touch screens. I was working on a project and needed an image lightbox that solves these problems. I needed a lightbox only for images, not video, text, and iframes at once. I made ImageLightbox.js.»
This version autodetects all links to image files and opens them in the lightbox.
For your «install, activate and go»-convenience, this plugin comes with a minimal CSS that easily can be deactivated and/or replaced.
The plugin can also be themed to your liking. An example theme is available here:
Please let me know if you have any issues. Fastest way to get a response is by Twitter:
- Download and unzip plugin
- Upload the ‘imagelightbox’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory,
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- How do I use the plugin with my images?
Autodetection FTW!
- How do I change the options?
FILTERS FTW! imageLightbox_options
- How do I replace the CSS with my own?
FILTERS FTW! imageLightbox_include_css
- How to I create my own theme for the plugin?
Have a look at
- How do I use the lightbox on image links that are inserted with AJAX?
Call imageLightbox() on the elements: $(‘.newelements’).imageLightbox();
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