Automatically add a download link to the latest Github repo release zips with
a shortcode [latest_github_release user=»github» repo=»hub»]
Add the shortcode [latest_github_release user="github" repo="hub"]
to desired post/page/widget and save to have the code working.
One can add some customization to the shortcode such as
- Name of the button =
[latest_github_release name="Desired Name"]
Use latest_github_release_link filter Hook
add_filter( ‘latest_github_release_link’, ‘gmlatest_github_release_link’, 10, 3 );
function gmlatest_github_release_link( $html, $atts, $zip_url ) {
// Add another class to the <a>.
$atts['class'] .= ' another-class';
// Add <h2> around the tag.
$html = (
'<h2><a href="' . esc_attr( $zip_url ) . '"'
. ' class="' . esc_attr( $atts['class'] ) . '">'
. esc_html( $atts['name'] )
. '</a></h2>'
return $html;
1. Name attribute defaults to the word «Download»
1. Name is usedin combination with the other attribbutes user & repo.
If you have any feedback, just write an issue. Or fork the code and submit a PR on Github.
Det er ingen omtaler av denne utvidelsen.
Bidragsytere og utviklere
“Latest Github Release” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.
Bidragsytere“Latest Github Release” har blitt oversatt til 2 språk. Takk til oversetterne for deres bidrag.
Oversett “Latest Github Release” til ditt språk.
Interessert i utvikling?
Bla gjennom koden, sjekk ut SVN-repositoriet, eller abonner på utviklingsloggen med RSS.
** 2.1.0 **
– Test for WP 6.0
– Fix missing $zip_url in filter.
** 2.0.0 **
– Updates the plugin to use static functions and to have code that is re-usable by other plugins.
** 1.2.0 **
– Fix Caching errors.
– Better docs.
– Coding style/consistency fixes.
** 1.1.0 **
– Code improvements.
** 1.0.0 **
– Initial Release.