Denne utvidelsen har ikke blitt testet mot noen av de siste 3 hovedutgivelsene av WordPress. Den er kanskje ikke lenger holdt vedlike eller støttet, og den kan ha kompatibilitetsproblemer med nyeste versjoner av WordPress.

Monocontact Forms


This plugin allows you to use your Monocontact forms in an easy way. Just install the plugin and copy and paste the shortcodes from your account, to display forms anywhere in your blog or website.

You can easily create forms with multiple data, like name, surname, address, phone. Just add fields to your form, and choose from text, longtext, number, email, and many more.

We have reCAPTCHA as a field. Easy to use!


  • Generating shortcode from Monocontact forms
  • Copy the code
  • Paste in your Wordpress page, and voila!


You can use the built in installer and upgrader, or you can install the plugin manually.

From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
  2. Search for Monocontact Forms
  3. Activate Monocontact Forms from your Plugins page.
  4. Configure your Monocontact domain (old users must use


  1. Download Monocontact Forms.
  2. Upload the ‘Monocontact Forms’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Activate Monocontact Forms from your Plugins page.


Do I have to copy header libraries?

No, the plugin does it for you

Can I have multiple forms in a web page?

Sure. All forms you need.

The form is not being displayed

You need to set the domain of your website in the form app. Use one domain for each form.


Det er ingen omtaler av denne utvidelsen.

Bidragsytere og utviklere

“Monocontact Forms” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.




  • Personalized domain version


  • Change enqueue script for monocontact


  • Enable shortcodes in text widgets


  • First version of plugin.