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Relative Posts


The Relative Posts plugin is a VERY simple and lite widget that’s helps you to show up a list of related posts on sidebar with or without thumbnails.


  • Admin Panel
  • Post Page
  • Post Page With Thumbnail Images


  1. Upload the folder relativepost to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

So you already have installed the plugin, now

-Go to the Appearance menu in WordPress and select ‘Widgets’.
-Drag and drop the widget ‘Relative Post’ to the Widget Area you want.

Option Description:
1. Title: Just write the title you’d like to show for the widget(the defoult title is «You Also Might Like…»).
2. Max Number Of Posts: The maximum number of relative articles that can been displayed(the default number is 5).
3. Use Thumbnails: Check if you want to display the feature image(thumbnail) of the post. Otherwise display only the title.
4. Post Title Length:Check and write the number of characters that the post title will be had(the default number is 50). Otherwise will display the full length of title.


How do I contact you?


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the folder relativepost to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

So you already have installed the plugin, now

-Go to the Appearance menu in WordPress and select ‘Widgets’.
-Drag and drop the widget ‘Relative Post’ to the Widget Area you want.

Option Description:
1. Title: Just write the title you’d like to show for the widget(the defoult title is «You Also Might Like…»).
2. Max Number Of Posts: The maximum number of relative articles that can been displayed(the default number is 5).
3. Use Thumbnails: Check if you want to display the feature image(thumbnail) of the post. Otherwise display only the title.
4. Post Title Length:Check and write the number of characters that the post title will be had(the default number is 50). Otherwise will display the full length of title.


Det er ingen omtaler av denne utvidelsen.

Bidragsytere og utviklere

“Relative Posts” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.




Restore the global $post variable after the WP_Query




Customize the length of title


Fix the issue when the get_the_terms() returns false


Add Thumbnail Option


Initial Release