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Simple Fields Map extension


Adds a new field type to Simple Fields that let you choose a location.

The coordinates (lat/lng) of that location is saved
and easily retrieved in for example your theme.

Happy geocoding!


  • Easily add maps to any post, page or custom post type
  • Integrates seamlessly into Simple Fields
  • You can have multiple maps with separately settings
  • Each map can have it’s own:
    • zoom level
    • map type (Roadmap, Satellite, Hybrid, Terrain)
    • default location
  • Search location of address by using built in search box
  • Search location by enter its latitude and longitude coordinates
  • Supports Repeatable Fields – have any amount of maps connected to each post
  • From each saved position you can get
    • Latitude and Longitude
    • Address information, including store/shop name if that was what the user searched for when adding this location
    • Preferred zoom level

To add a map to a field group programmatically

Slug for this field extension is «googlemaps».

Full example using register field group:


// Add a field group with a Google Map-field
        'name' => 'My map',
        'slug' => "mu_map"
        'repeatable' => 1,
        'fields' => array(
                "type" => "googlemaps",
                "slug" => "sf_map",
                "name" => "Test map",
                "options" => array(
                    "defaultZoomLevel" => 10,
                    "defaultMapTypeId" => "HYBRID", // ROADMAP | SATELLITE | HYBRID | TERRAIN
                    "defaultLocationLat" => 40.71435,
                    "defaultLocationLng" => -74.00597,
                    "defaultZoomLevel" => 10



This plugin is available in the following languages:

  • English


  1. (Make sure you have Simple Fields installed)
  2. Install the Simple Fields Maps Extension plugin
  3. You will find the Map field in the usual settings page of Simple Fields


  • The field with its options
  • The post edit screen, including the currently selected coordinates and a search result found
  • Example of the values that are being stored for each saved location/field (and the function used to get them)


Det er ingen omtaler av denne utvidelsen.

Bidragsytere og utviklere

“Simple Fields Map extension” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.




  • Use better default values so plugin does not break if you don’t enter a default zoom level or map type.


  • Load scripts over HTTPS. Fixes


  • Fixed strict standards warning


  • Static maps did not care about any preferred zoom level that was set in GUI. Now they do, funky funky!


  • Add dropdown to select preferred zoom level for each map
  • Show notice in admin if user does not have Simple Fields installed


  • Fixed notice error if no additional image sizes where used in the theme currently in use


  • Added support for coordinates with negative latitude/longitude locations, like this one: 2.033630,-76.007050
  • Added version number to scripts/styles to cache bust.


  • Added support for adding marker by entering its lng/lat coordinates. Valid formats are: 48.858278,2.294254 or 48.858278 2.294254
  • Made plugin translatable


  • Fixed a bug with the latest version of Simple Fields


  • It’s tricky to create to class because Simple Fields must be added/loaded already when creating the class. The modified solution works, but perhaps only on specific versions of PHP. Have to check this in more details…


  • A marker/location can now be removed/unset.
    This is useful if you have a map field added to all your posts, but wan’t to exclude the map for a single post.
    This is also the default behavior, so a post don’t not risk being saved with the wrong position (or at least the risk is lower).


  • Autocomplete was out of control when using repeatable fields. It’s now back in control.


  • The search box is now much better. It can search for Places, i.e. establishments, geographic locations, or prominent points of interest.
  • Return values now return much more info if the location was selected through the new autocomplete place search. The return array now also have:
    • The name of the selected place
    • The formatted address of the place
    • A address_components-object thas has (according to Google): a «collection of address components for this Place’s location»


  • Modified the way args are passed with return_values, since wp_parse_args don’t work recursive.


  • Added static maps to return values.


  • Clearified the fact that you need the latest version of Simple Fields.


  • Typos in readme


  • Version 1. It works and it’s groovy!