Enkelt medlemskap


En fleksibel, godt støttet og brukervennlig plugin for WordPress-medlemskap som gjør at du kan tilby både gratis og betalt innhold fra ditt WordPress-nettsted

Enkle plugin-medlemskap lar deg beskytte innlegg og sider slik at bare medlemmene dine kan se det beskyttede innholdet.

Ubegrensede tilgangsnivåer for medlemskap

Sett opp ubegrenset antall medlemsnivåer (eksempel: gratis, sølv, gull osv.) Beskytt innlegg og sider ved å bruke medlemsnivåene du oppretter.

Brukervennlig grensesnitt for innholdsbeskyttelse

Når du redigerer et innlegg eller en side i WordPress-redigereren, kan du velge å beskytte det slik at det kun blir synlig for medlemmene dine.

Non-members viewing a protected page will be prompted to log in or become a member.

Har gratis og betalte medlemskap

Du kan konfigurere den til å ha gratis og / eller betalte medlemskap på nettstedet ditt. Medlemskapsbetaling håndteres sikkert via PayPal. Betaling kan også gjennomføres via både Stripe eller Braintree betalingsportaler.

Det fins støtte for både engangs- og repeterende betalinger med PayPal og Stripe.

Du kan akseptere engangsbetaling av medlemskap via Braintree betalingstjeneste.

Option to make membership payment buttons using the new PayPal Checkout API.

There is also option to use PayPal smart buttons for membership payment.

Du kan skru på e-postaktivering eller e-postbekreftelse for gratis medlemskap.

Betalingslogg for medlemmer

Alle betalingene fra medlemmene dine blir registrert i pluginen. Du kan se dem når som helst ved å gå til administrasjonspanelet og velge betalingsmenyen.


Det fins mange action- og filter-knagger en utvikler kan bruke for å tilpasse utvidelsen.

Det fins også en API som kan brukes til å undersøke, opprette eller oppdatere medlemskontoer.

Widget for medlemspålogging på sidestolpen

Du kan enkelt legge til en påloggingswidget for medlemmer i sidefeltet på nettstedet. Bruk short-koden i sidefelt-widgeten.

Du kan også tilpasse medlemsinnloggingswidgeten ved og lage en mal i tema- (eller dattertema)-mappen.

Option to show a password visibility toggle option in the login form.


For å komme i gang, les konfigurasjonsdokumentasjonen etter at du har installert plugin-modulen.

Brukerstøtte for utvidelsen

Hvis du har problemer med denne plugin’en, kan du gå til plugin-siden og fortelle om det på supportforumet eller sende oss en kontaktanmodning: ↵ https://simple-membership-plugin.com/

Du kan opprette en gratis brukerkonto på forumet for å stille spørsmål.


  • Fungerer med alle WordPress-temaer.
  • Mulighet til å beskytte fotogallerier
  • Mulighet til og beskytte vedleggssider
  • Vis teaser-innhold for å konvertere besøkende til medlemmer.
  • Kommentarer til dine beskyttede innlegg blir også automatisk beskyttet.
  • Det fins et alternativ for å aktivere feilsøking, slik at du enkelt kan feilsøke betalingsproblemer om det oppstår noen.
  • Mulighet til å tilpasse innholdsbeskyttelsesmeldingen som vises ikke-medlemmer.
  • Mulighet til delvis beskyttelse av blogginnlegg eller sideinnhold.
  • Du kan sette inn beskyttelse av mange innlegg og sider samtidig.
  • Mulighet for å bruke funksjonsvarsler i e-postvarslingen om medlemskap.
  • Medlemskapsstyringssiden håndteres av plugin-modulen.
  • Mulighet til å godkjenne medlemmene manuelt.
  • Mulighet til å importere WordPress-brukere som medlemmer.
  • Søk etter en medlemsprofil i kontollpanelet i WP.
  • Filtrer medlemsliste ut fra kontostatus
  • Filtrerer medlemslisten etter medlemskapsnivå
  • Site admins can save private notes about members, providing a convenient way to keep track of important information.
  • Kan oversettes til hvilket som helst språk.
  • Skjul administratorverktøylinjen fra fronten på nettstedet.
  • Tillat medlemmene dine å slette medlemskontoene sine.
  • Send hurtigmelding til medlemmene dine på e-post
  • Email all members by membership level, with an option to filter by account status.
  • Tilpass e-postadressen for tilbakestilling av passord for medlemmene.
  • Bruk Google reCAPTCHA på medlemsregistreringsskjemaet
  • Bruk Google reCAPTCHA på skjemaet for brukerinnlogging og tilbakestiling av passord.
  • Påloggings- og registreringswidgets vil være responsive også om du bruker et responsivt tema.
  • Mulighet for og bruke restriksjoner på kommentarfunksjonen på nettstedet din slik at kun medlemmer kan kommentere.
  • Front-end medlemsregistreringsside.
  • Frontprofiler.
  • Innloggingsside for frontsiden.
  • Mulighet for å konfigurere omdirigering etter medlemspålogging.
  • Mulighet for å konfigurere omdirigering etter registrering av medlemmer.
  • Mulighet for å konfigurere viderekobling for medlemmer etter de er logget ut.
  • Dette alternativet tvinger medlemmene til å bruke sterkt passord.
  • Alternativ for å få brukerne til å godta vilkår og betingelser før de registrerer seg som medlem.
  • Alternativ for å få brukerne til å godta personvernreglene dine før de registrerer seg som medlem.
  • Option to hide the registration/join option. Useful if you prefer visitors not to see the registration option on your site.
  • Alternativ for automatisk utlogging medlemmet når de lukker nettleseren.
  • Mulighet for å videresende betalingsvarslingen til en ekstern URL for videre behandling.
  • Option to configure whitelisting for user email addresses to allow registration only from specific email addresses or email domains.
  • Option to configure blacklisting for user email addresses to block registration from certain email addresses or email domains.
  • Allows you to set an active login limit for members, helping to prevent account sharing.
  • Option to reset the settings and data of the plugin to start fresh.
  • Option to configure PayPal payment buttons for memberships (one-time and recurring payments).
  • Option to configure Stripe payment buttons for memberships (one-time and recurring payments).
  • Option to configure Braintree payment buttons for memberships (one-time payments).
  • The plugin is actively maintained and we are working on new features for the plugin.
  • Browse the plugin documentation to learn more about the features of this plugin.


Følgende språkoversettelser er allerede tilgjengelige:

  • Engelsk
  • Tysk
  • Fransk
  • Spansk
  • Spansk (Venezuela)
  • Kinesisk
  • Portugisisk (Brasil)
  • Portugisisk (Portugal)
  • Svensk
  • Makedonsk
  • Polsk
  • Tyrkisk
  • Russisk
  • Nederlandsk (Netherlands)
  • Hollandsk (Belgia)
  • Romansk
  • Dansk
  • Litauisk
  • Serbisk
  • Japansk
  • Gresk
  • Latvisk
  • Indonesisk
  • Hebraisk
  • Katalansk
  • Ungarsk
  • Bosnisk
  • Slovakisk
  • Italiensk
  • Norsk
  • Meksikansk
  • Arabisk
  • Tsjekkisk
  • Finsk

Du kan oversette pluginprogrammet ved å bruke språket oversettelsesdokumentasjon .

Vilkårlig seksjon



Denne utvidelsen gir 1 blokk.

  • Payment Button


Gjør følgende for og installere medlemskapsutvidelsen:

  1. Last opp filen ‘simple-wp-membership.zip’ fra plugins-> Legg til en ny side i WordPress-administrasjonspanelet.
  2. Aktiver plugin’en via plugins-menyen i WordPress.


Where can I find complete documentation for this plugin?

You can find the full documentation for this plugin on the Simple Membership plugin documentation page.


5. februar, 2025
It is simple but effective! I have been using it for several years now and although it was a bit of a learning curve to begin with for me, I have got it to a point where it does what I need it to do and I am happy with it.
26. januar, 2025 1 svar
upon reflection, the devs are doing an amazing job. They’re providing an intricate piece of software to the community for free. Thanks guys. there’s a little room for improvement in terms of the docs and the core functionality. But overall, I’d recommend this software to others.
22. januar, 2025 1 svar
This is my first attempt with this plugin and found it easy to use especially with the documentation.
18. januar, 2025 1 svar
Simple Membership is an absolute game-changer for anyone looking to create a membership site with ease. This plugin delivers exactly what its name promises: a straightforward yet powerful tool for managing memberships on your WordPress site. Setting up membership levels and protecting content is incredibly intuitive, even for beginners. The plugin’s flexibility allows for various customizations, ensuring that it can meet the needs of different types of sites, from small blogs to large e-learning platforms. One of the standout features of Simple Membership is its seamless integration with popular payment gateways, making it easy to set up paid memberships. The support and documentation provided are excellent, with clear guides that help resolve any questions quickly. In short, Simple Membership combines simplicity with robust functionality, making it a must-have for anyone looking to manage memberships effectively on WordPress. I highly recommend it for both new and experienced users alike!
14. desember, 2024 1 svar
Simple little plugin to verify if a human is attempting to log in. Nice
Les alle 434 vurderinger

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  • The «Tools» tab has been relocated to its own standalone menu item.
  • Added a new action hook ‘swpm_admin_account_status_updated’ that will be triggered when the account status of a member is changed in the admin dashboard.
  • Added a new action hook ‘swpm_account_status_updated’ that will be triggered when the account status update function is called for a member.
  • Backwards compatibility for the ‘profile_update’ action hook.
  • Updated the Stripe subscription payment button configuration interface to include the word ‘Price’ ID to reflect the changes made by Stripe.
  • Small refactoring of the shortcode handler class to make it more efficient.
  • Introduced a new settings option to hide membership level field on the registration form.
  • Options related to the WP toolbar and admin dashboard have been grouped together in the advanced settings menu.
  • First and Last name values can be set to empty in the member’s profile edit interface.


  • Allow promo code feature added to stripe subscription payment buttons.
  • Added a new utility function ‘get_all_protected_post_ids_list_from_db’ to retrieve all the protected post IDs from the database.
  • Updated the French language translation file.
  • Active login limit feature conflict issue fixed for password reset event.
  • Added a new filter hook ‘swpm_override_protected_post_exclusion_from_search’ that can be used to override the protected post exclusion from the search query.
  • The asterisk character (*) is not allowed in the username field to maintain consistency with WordPress username character restrictions.


  • Enhanced the efficiency of the ‘pre_get_posts’ filter hook handling function to address issues encountered on some sites during page saving and publishing.


  • New free addon for resetting the settings and data of the plugin. Refer to this documentation for more information.
  • The ‘load_plugin_textdomain’ function call has been moved to init hook with a higher priority for better compatibility with other plguins. This seem to work better for most languages.
  • Regenerated the language POT file for the plugin to include the latest changes.
  • Protected posts are now excluded from WP search query if the user doesn’t have access to the post.


  • New ‘Active Login Limit’ feature added. Refer to this documentation for more information.
  • PayPal standard subscription canceled status will also be shown in the ‘subscription created’ transaction details page.
  • Do not execute the after_login_redirection and the wp_signon function when the login originates from an external login form (example: WP, WooCommerce etc). This creates a better user experience.
  • Minor Update to the swpm-orange-box CSS class to make it more readable.
  • Added a new auto-redirect feature to the ‘Full Page Protection Addon’ for when a visitor attempts to access a protected page.
  • Updated the password reset shortcode’s email field to use a size of 30.
  • Added members meta database table to store additional member data.
  • Added a new option to bulk delete all members from a specific membership level.
  • Added a twice daily cron job event that will be used to do various cleanup tasks in the future.
  • Updated settings menu help text CSS to use the ‘description’ class for improved readability.
  • Updated the Italian language translation file.


  • Subscriptions can be canceled from the transaction details page of a ‘subscription created’ transaction (supported for the New PayPal PPCP API and Stripe subscriptions).
  • New settings to send notification email on subscription payment canceled or expired event.
  • The subscription agreement tranaction record’s status will get updated when the subscription is canceled.
  • Added Typecasting to the transaction ID variable for the PayPal IPN handling process.
  • The PayPal standard subscriptions will also save a ‘subscription created’ entry in the payments menu for new subscriptions.
  • The transaction type will also be stored in the transactions table, allowing for future filtering of transactions based on type.
  • Canceled subscription status will now be shown in the ‘subscription created’ transaction details page.
  • The ‘redirect_to’ parameter on the login page is now processed through the ‘wp_validate_redirect’ function.
  • The ‘get_user_ip_address’ function has been updated to make it more robust.
  • Query updated of the ‘get_incomplete_paid_member_info_by_ip’ function.
  • Added a new utility function ‘get_user_by_ip_address’.


  • The ‘Reset Debug Log Files’ option now utilizes AJAX for improved user experience and smoother functionality.
  • Removed the unused ‘shutdown’ function from the plugin.
  • Added a new settings to hide the join us link. Refer to this documentation for more information.
  • Deleting a member will now also cancel any PayPal subscriptions configured through the PPCP (New API) option.


  • Added a new feature to display the subscription payment cancellation status in the «Edit/View Member» menu. This status is also shown in the member’s login widget.
  • Added a new filter hook ‘swpm_registration_data_before_save’ to allow customizing the registration data before saving it to the database.
  • Added a check to ensure a valid membership level ID is entered when the free membership is enabled in the settings.
  • The ‘after_registration_callback’ function is handled using a lower priority for better compatibility with other plugins.
  • Added a new utility function in the SwpmTransactions class to retrieve all the transactions for a specific member.
  • Added spacing before the «Edit Profile» link in the login widget.
  • The «Edit Profile» and «Logout» links in the login widget are now bolded.
  • Added a toggle visibility option for System-Related Additional Data in the Edit/View Member’s Profile interface.


  • Stripe library updated to the latest version (v15.4.0).
  • Updated the ‘swpm_login_failed’ action hook’s trigger condition.
  • Renamed the login form and reset password shortcode function name for better clarity.
  • The edit profile interface in the admin dashboard will display an appropriate error message if an attempt is made to edit a profile that has been deleted.


  • Added membership level specific default account status feature.
  • New admin notes feature added. It can be used to save private notes about members.
  • Added new ‘login’ API endpoint to the free SWPM API addon.
  • PHP 8.2 compatibility related improvements.
  • New two filter hooks added to the mini/compact login shortcode.
  • The custom messages addon can now be used to customize the output of the mini/compact login shortcode’s output.
  • Added a new action hook «swpm_login_failed». This is equivalent to the «wp_login_failed» action hook.


  • Minor update to the German language file.
  • Added a new filter hook ‘swpm_after_email_activation_redirect_url’ to allow customizing the email activation redirect URL.
  • Added a check in the member’s add/edit interface to ensure a membership level exists before attempting to add or edit a member record.
  • If the site admin deletes the membership level of a member who then tries to log in, an appropriate error message will be displayed instead of a fatal error.
  • When the debug feature is enabled and the debug log file doesn’t exist, it will create one automatically.
  • Added reCAPTCHA V3 support. You can now enable reCAPTCHA V3 for the member registration.


  • Rolled back one of the changes from the previous version that was causing an issue with the WP user profile update process.
  • If your site is experiencing any issue after the update and you need the older version 4.4.6 (before the profile update related improvements/changes), you can download it using the following link:
  • Simple Membership Plugin v4.4.6


  • The PayPal PPCP subscriptions will also save the is_live parameter in the transaction record.
  • Minor improvements to the newly added cancel subscription shortcode.
  • Changed the status of the 1st transaction of a Stripe subscription to ‘subscription created’ for better clarity.
  • Added more output escaping to the payment button shortcode output.
  • Fixed a minor issue with the manual transaction add feature.
  • Added architecture so the password update from profile edit page doesn’t require a re-login.
  • The PayPal’s new API button options have been moved to the top in the button creation interface.
  • Improved the ‘profile_update’ action hoook handling code – the user will remain logged-in after the password is changed from WP User profile page.
  • Added a new filter hook swpm_wp_profile_update_hook_override.


  • Various translation related changes to the button configuration admin interface.
  • Generated a new translation POT file for the plugin.
  • Fixed an error with the cancel Stripe subscription shortcode.
  • Added output escaping to the PayPal cancel subscription shortcode.


  • Added a link to the corresponding member profile in the newly added transaction view/edit interface.
  • Added a link to the corresponding membership level in the newly added transaction view/edit interface.
  • Minor PHP compatibility related improvements for PayPal and Stripe checkout.
  • Minor updates to the the debug log messaging for the refund/cancelation process.


  • Added an option to configure a Cancel URL for Stripe SCA Subscription type buttons.
  • Some options related to hiding the WP Admin Bar have been moved from the General Settings menu to the Advanced Settings tab.
  • A warning message is displayed when editing membership levels if both manual approval and email activation settings are enabled simultaneously.
  • Output escaping added to the shortcode output of the subscription cancel shortcode.
  • PayPal PPCP button’s JS SDK related code has been converted to use vanilla JavaScript to eliminate the dependency on jQuery.
  • Stripe promotion code feature added for Stripe SCA Buy Now type buttons.
  • The Payments menu now shows the transactions from the SWPM_Transactions custom post type. This will allow us to add more features to the transaction records in the future.
  • Added the option to edit a transaction record from the payments menu of the plugin.
  • Added a new shortcode that can show any active subscriptions and offer an option to cancel it for the logged-in member. It works for the New PayPal API and Stripe Subscription buttons.
  • Documentation for the new subscription cancel shortcode


  • The accepted payment method types can now be controlled from your Stripe account settings. This will allow you to enable/disable certain payment methods.
  • Updated the documentation link for the Stripe Subscription button configuration.
  • Enhanced the auto-login feature’s redirect URL handling for better compatibility with some servers.
  • New registration and profile form UI and validation is the default UI for all new installs. The old UI can be enabled from the advanced settings menu.
  • Added Arabic translation files to the plugin. Thanks to @Adham.
  • Added output escaping to the new registration and edit profile forms.


  • Added an option to specify a cancel URL for Stripe buy now button.
  • The PayPal order ID is also passed to the PayPal payment capture API call’s header.
  • Added a check for the PayPal Buy Now payment capture status in the IPN handling script.
  • Updated the Spanish language translation file.
  • Minor spelling mistake fixed.


  • Added ‘Cayman Islands’ to the country dropdown list.
  • The unique session ID generation process improved.
  • The PayPal Token cache will be deleted automatically if the Live/Test mode option is changed in the settings menu.
  • Fixed an issue with the PayPal test/live mode toggle issue with the new API.


  • Added a new feature in the ‘Bulk Operation’ menu tab to allow bulk update members account status.
  • Improved the email validation in the new registration form UI.
  • Updated the Spanish language translation file.
  • Changed the aciton hook name ‘swpm_login’ to ‘swpm_after_login_authentication’ to describe the hook better.
  • The after login redirection feature won’t be application when the login form originates from the WP Login form.
  • This will remove confusion for some users when they login from the standard WP login form (not the simple membership’s login form) and then the page redirects to the after login redirection URL.

Full changelog available at change-log-of-old-versions.txt