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Pingback Killer


Hate Pingbacks and Trackbacks? Me too. Pingback Killer disables of of WordPress’ built in pingback functionality.

This is a very simple plugin that…
1. Removes the X-Pingback header WordPress sends
2. Causes any bloginfo('ping_backurl') call to return an empty string
3. Hijacks the two options relating to pingbacks
4. Removes the /trackback/ rewrite rules

There are no options pages, it just works.

Bugs? Problems? Get in touch.


  1. Download the file and unzip it
  2. Upload the pingback-killer folder to your wp-content/plugins directory
  3. In the WordPress admin area, click «Plugins» and activate Pingback Killer

A Note about Deactivation

After deactivating this plugin, you may have to visit the permalinks settings page and hit «save» to get the trackback rewrite rules back.


None so far.


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The first (and probalby only?) version